what they're saying |
"This app is brilliant and simple. Finally, someone has designed a subway map that turns hundreds of miles of track from a spaghetti dinner to a decent piece of design." Michael Lee fastcompany.com | "I'm a motorman in the NYC subway ... [The KickMap] is a great way to figure out an incredibly confusing system." Iggy Catalpa on iTunes | "the Kickmap is a great alternative map that is geographically accurate. It's what a finished, corrected, evolved version of Vignelli's map might have been today" ghevaria.com |
"easier to read and alerted me to subway stops where I would have to pay to get to the other side of the tracks" Bob Tedeschi The New York Times | "How to Make a Map for the Most Complicated Subway System in the World" Matt Buchanan GIZMODO | "The 24-Hour KickMap is one of the best apps for navigating NYC's subway lines" Paul Hughes CNET |
"one of the top 10 New York City- based apps" HUFFINGTON POST | "The brilliant KickMap simplifies the traditional New York Subway map to a form reminiscent of a European metro with each line laid out individually. Not only that � there is a day service and a night service map, and also next scheduled departures for each station." Adham Fisher trilliumtransit.com | "Going to NYC? There are many good apps, but KickMap subwaymap is a must" Pocket Social |
"the cartographic equivalent of light at the end of the tunnel!" MARK OVENDON AUTHOR: TRANSIT MAPS OF THE WORLD | "simple, elegant, colorful and useful to boot! right from local nyc developers!" app.itize.us | Best Apps for NYC "makes sense of the complex NYC transit system" askanewyorker.com |
"With clear subway lines and stops, the 24-Hour Kickmap app will help you travel around the City like a local" Jazz Hostels.com | "Which trains are held up are all laid out in the palm of your hand. I haven't been left stranded on the subway platform in ages" Mae Karwowski Location-based apps: What works, what doesn't iMedia connection | "The KickMap app makes the I'm-not-from-around-here jumbo paper version obsolete" Jeffrey Tanenhaus Top 5 tips for visiting New York City (from a Manhattan tour guide) Downtown Traveler |
"Den visar alla tunnelbanelinjer...vilka linjer som stannar p� varje station (och det �r viktigt!)" "it shows all the subway lines... and the routes that stop at every station (and that is important!)" bitars.com B�sta New York-apparna | cloudgirl | "One of the cooler features of KickMap is the ability to view a 'night mode'" BoweryBoogie.com | "superior design and readability compared to the city's official maps" RocketClicks via Facebook |
"Having [KICKMap] on your iPhone/iTouch should help in gaining confidence to tackle the New York City subway system" Accessible Apps: iTunes Application for Handicap Access on NYC Subway MyWirelessReview.com | "L'indispensable carte du [NYC] m�tro." CULTURE-NOMAD.COM | "helps you quickly identify where trains stop and where they don't." The Best Free Mobile Apps for Exploring New York City HELIUM.COM |
"Ideal for those that travel along the subway system...less stressful for wheelchair users" CHRISTOPHER REEVE FOUNDATION | "The KickMap encourages people to take advantage and explore the subway system and the communities that the system serves." transitmy.org | "How effective it is I will have to leave to New Yorkers to determine, but a quarter million downloads [as of 8.2.10] suggests that quite a few of them have already voted." Jonathan Crowe THE MAP ROOM |
"24-Hour KickMap is going to help you no matter what time of day it is" APPlicable: The NYC Edition UGO.com | "pretty useful for skulking around the city late at night drinking and carousing" Great iPhone Apps for New York aiminglow.com | "Even though I'm a native this easy iPhone app helps me find what I need." Best Travel Apps for iPhone fantasyfunplanner.com |
"makes it easier to see all the lines" TREEHUGGER.COM THE WORLDS BEST ALTERNATIVE SUBWAY MAPS | "You'll know how to get where you're going whether it's 3 p.m. or 3 a.m." Five Great Apps for Visiting New York City SmarterTravel.com | "I can't believe anyone doesn't think [the KickMap] is better than the official map from the MTA" John Gruber Daring Fireball.net |
"It's much less Mario World and more TRON" Dandyland | "focuses on ease of use and simplicity" Alissa Miller Nerd Star Gamer | "great app... you'll never be lost" iPhoneNess 12 Best Local Transit Apps for iPhone |
"Navigating the NY subway system has never been easier with this beautifully designed app" appolicious.com - Top 10 NY Apps | "cutting edge re-design ... easily readable, geographically accurate" MAPPING NEW YORK BLACK DOG PUBLISHING, LONDON | "an easier way to make train routes intelligible" TIMEOUT NY |
"easier to read" THE NEW YORK TIMES | "The KickMap cleverly manages to combine clear topgraphy with schematic rules to show every service" TRANSIT MAPS OF THE WORLD | "clean,uncluttered, and efficent" NEWSDAY |
"you can peruse this program as if it were Google Maps on the iPhone: it is easy, detailed, and clear" Apple Gazette | "we like the KickMap ...what do you think?" GOTHAMIST | "64% love it (KickMap) 19% like it (KickMap) 14% leave it (MTA map) 4% look to the past (Vignelli map)" POLLDADDY.COM FOR THE GOTHAMIST |
"brilliant... chock full of ingenious solutions" SF CITYSCAPE.COM | "much better than the current MTA design" AETHER WORLD.COM | "[The] Kick Map has generated quite a cult following for its clearer version" Herman Yung DOOBYBRAIN.COM |
"truly impressive" VISUAL COMPLEXITY.COM | "an exceptionally clear presentation which puts the MTA map to shame!" GINSBU, ON ITUNES | "helps NYC catch up to London...fantastic" CORE 8.COM |
"clarity over chaos... most first time visitors look at the MTA map and recoil in horror" JOHNSON BANKS | "everyone's favorite... highlights more subway information" 2ND AVE SAGAS | "spectaculary good" PETER DOUGHERTY AUTHOR: TRACKS OF THE THE NYC SUBWAY |
"better than Vignelli" THE ATLANTIC.COM | "bright and bubbly... inspired by the aesthetic of web 2.0" EMBARQ.COM: THE WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT | "visionary redesign" BUILT ENVIRONMENT BLOG. COM |
"a fantastic map" THE EXPERTS AGREE.COM | "the official map...clearly looks dated next to the KickMap" THE MAPPERY BLOG | "represents how the subway works in a way humans can understand" ADVENTURES IN URBAN LIVING.NET |
"prettiger leesbaar, ook veel mooier" ["easier to read, much nicer"] HET VRIE VOLK | "a map that can make life easier" DIARIO DEL VIAJERO.COM | "the [new] Vignelli map bears a lot of resemblance to the KickMap" FORGETTING ATLAS.COM |
"the best alternative... combines the best of the Vignelli map with the best of the current design" MITCH MAGEE.COM | "a salve for the squint... we hope it will become the new official map" CITY INFO NEW YORK | "change the damn subway map please!" AINT NO LAI .COM |
"I love the KickMap" STUART AUSLANDER GRAY LINE TOUR GUIDE | "makes sense of the complex NYC transit system so it is understood and used by more people" NYC 10 BEST.COM 10 BEST NEW YORK CITY iPHONE APPLICATIONS | "The Kick Map is much easier to read. Neighboring branches are arranged in parallel and collected by color groups, to find the right one becomes easy, but all the basic geography of the city is seen at a glance." Anton Varichenko Look At Me, Moscow |
"unequivocally possesses all the aesthetic and cartographic attributes to render it a fitting substitute to the current map" NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service / Gallery Space at Wagner | "a winner" 37 SIGNALS |